Wednesday, 13 April 2011

I have just had the pleasure of holding hostage interviewing Rich from a local band called Follow You Home. There an interesting mix of pop rock that I happen to enjoy. So enjoy the word candy.

What's the origin of your name follow you home?
I am afraid there is no long and meaningful answer to that, I guess one of the hardest parts about starting a band is coming up with a name that is both catchy and has not been used yet. I think our name came from a Green Day lyric or something like that.
 Who makes up the band and what do they do?

We have Kayley on Vocals, Nick on the Axe, Mikey on the other Axe, Tom on the tin cans and myself (Rich) on the bass.
What genre of music do you consider your work to be?
We are trying to put our own stamp on our songs, just trying to mold a distinctive sound, I would call what we play "Powerpop / Rock". The melodies and pretty much classic pop melodies, but we try to have a powerful backdrop of music cutting through.
Who are your major influences?
I like to think we have a really wide range of influences. Everything from the 50's, old pop songs, Rock and Metal.
I guess some of our favourite bands are: Foo fighters, brand new, Jimmy eat world, green day, system of a down, and of course old school pop punk bands!
Who writes your songs?  

Our songs are really shaped by the whole band, me and Nick normally have an idea for a melody / lyric but it doesn't really come to life until we all get together and throw our ideas into the mix.
What influences your song making?
It's hard to say what influences our song writing. Most of the time, it just happens. I am a strong believer that if it doesn't click straight away it isn't worth keeping so most of our songs are written and arranged within a few hours.
So you first performance is coming up are you all nervous?

We had a little taste of the stage last week in Derby, supporting our friends in The Hush. I think this helped to take the edge off this first home-town show. But I think nearer the time there will be nerves. Its good though, keeps you on your toes and keeps the passion there.
What's your ultimate direction for your band?
Ultimately, we are just happy to be making music. We want to play shows, travel and as long as people want to listen we will keep doing it!
How do you feel about music piracy?
Personally, as an unsigned band for us music piracy is not a bad thing. We just want to be heard by as many people as possible! I can see how it is a problem for the big boys though!
Any last words……….

I just want to thank you for taking the time out to check us out, and we want to ask anyone thats reading to please help unsigned bands and check us out!

Well some interesting mouth words from Rich there and not once did he beg for his life so I let him go, he has a gig coming up after all. Anyway remember to check them out there  website is or annoy them on Facebook and twitter.

Now enjoy.

Once Upon A Lie (Exclusive Preview) by Follow You Home
Friday, 21 January 2011
this is a theme testing blog, go say hello on
Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ipsum nunc, venenatis id aliquet sed, euismod ac tortor. Nullam dolor odio, feugiat ut elementum et, accumsan et velit. Maecenas suscipit semper lectus sed adipiscing. Sed sit amet mauris quis nulla rhoncus faucibus. Mauris quis imperdiet nunc. Mauris congue auctor magna in aliquam. Pellentesque non sollicitudin eros. Ut quis felis quis tortor sollicitudin condimentum et eget dui. Quisque vitae enim sapien, non malesuada eros. Mauris auctor orci ac neque porttitor volutpat. Curabitur faucibus sapien at est porttitor rutrum. Nam eu accumsan purus. Donec lobortis rutrum pharetra.

Praesent adipiscing, lectus id euismod eleifend, orci nulla ornare nisl, vel eleifend lacus dui et nunc. Donec vitae mauris sit amet tellus convallis dapibus in ut velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean ut urna massa. Vestibulum sed ante enim. Donec tortor elit, condimentum eget pharetra eget, sodales eget magna. Aliquam vitae massa ac lectus fermentum fermentum eget eget sem. Cras non nunc massa. Sed eu dui a sem pulvinar interdum. Duis a facilisis nibh. Mauris adipiscing orci vehicula felis convallis luctus. Vivamus aliquet congue ligula, quis elementum arcu aliquam vitae. Fusce lacus lectus, placerat sed adipiscing id, eleifend et arcu. Quisque nec massa a libero sagittis condimentum. Quisque ut ipsum ligula. Donec eu risus neque, eget eleifend est.
Etiam ullamcorper lobortis odio, ut venenatis nibh tincidunt at. Duis tristique pharetra libero at facilisis. Nam arcu ante, aliquet vel ornare a, venenatis eu lacus. Vestibulum dapibus nisi at neque interdum ornare. Phasellus sem turpis, malesuada non rutrum id, tincidunt nec lacus. Maecenas volutpat nisi eget nisl blandit fermentum. Cras lobortis felis sed risus ultricies egestas consectetur orci facilisis. Pellentesque mattis neque libero, sit amet sagittis augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec diam mi, faucibus vel facilisis sit amet, consequat ut eros. Phasellus posuere pretium ipsum aliquet commodo. Suspendisse at est arcu.
Aliquam eleifend, leo sit amet dictum consectetur, arcu eros pretium mi, ac cursus nunc quam sit amet tortor. Aliquam ultrices, dolor at commodo mattis, nulla orci commodo diam, ac ultricies purus urna pharetra velit. Vestibulum sagittis fringilla augue vitae condimentum. Suspendisse lacinia velit sit amet tortor suscipit at iaculis nibh bibendum. Curabitur ultrices posuere ornare. Ut sed nibh nunc. Ut iaculis, nisi quis lobortis consequat, sapien velit euismod ipsum, nec pellentesque lacus sapien in erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Nunc vitae ipsum eget lacus commodo condimentum. Aliquam sodales blandit massa, feugiat cursus odio dictum eu. Maecenas pellentesque purus et metus luctus faucibus. Proin rutrum dignissim diam, eget faucibus magna feugiat nec. Proin ut libero non erat commodo fermentum ac in sapien. Fusce eu arcu orci, nec pharetra sapien. Donec metus dolor, lobortis vitae consequat porttitor, varius id velit. Suspendisse orci diam, euismod at consectetur nec, bibendum quis tortor. Mauris erat ante, consectetur id viverra a, semper vel risus. Vestibulum quis elit mauris. Aliquam vel orci eget turpis vulputate sollicitudin. Pellentesque malesuada, est non viverra varius, tortor orci accumsan mauris, ut lacinia nibh nisi nec tellus.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
object width 480 height 295 > param NAME movie value

This was just to cute not to shire, now Squirrel proof your bird feeder with a Slinky.